Shiplog Entry: 12345.07

After a long debate amongst the ships crew, we decided it was finally time to fully go for cloning technology, we had a number of close calls in the past few days and are starting to fear our lives a little bit to much. So we mustered up our best motivation and started farming some soulsand to get the required quartz, and went ahead and build a nice set up in the ship to store the clones.


In the mean while we have been gathering up rubble rocks from our smooth stone farm, and from sieving dust, we utilized those rubble’s and made a few more true smelting cobble stone and hammering down the smooth stone produced from it. We took all we had and stuck them in the crucible that was on top of the ship and started making a smeltery and high-oven for our metal production. While doing some farming on the rubble bits, we had a rather unfortunate accident and had to make quick use of the cloning service to not be cast into the void. For some reason during the day cycle a mini-ghast, with an endermen riding its back, got teleported around, because the endermen was not loving the sunshine. He took us out in 3 hits with out us being able to hit back, every time we turned when we realized what happened he teleported again leaving us frustrated and hurt until his next attempt. After cloning we managed to do some payback with our backup mattock cause he found a small spot of shadow to rest in for a few second, witch became his ticket into the void beyond this world.

Lucky enough that dint keep us from completing our project, and we finished the high-oven and smeltery shortly after our duel with the teleporting monster of flight ….

2014-09-15_15.11.25We also cleaned up the crucible on top of the ship and made some more adjustments left and right to improve the overall look of the area. Quickly we realized that now he had more processing device then we had actual material gathering going on, so we made a semi automated gravel machine to the side of the ship, we semi automated our dirt production and we prepared for the upcoming struggle with pneumatics. We needed squids for some seeds that are required in recipes to make printed circuit boards, witch in terms are the building stones of automated production of many things.

2014-09-15_15.12.22 2014-09-15_16.13.502014-09-16_09.08.06

We also started some preparation in order to farm some of the monsters on this planet, but that are not fixed plans or layouts at this point, so far only theory crafting and small scale testing, but more on that soon. For now back to farming food and water so we expand even more rapidly and get our stuff sorted.

# Disclaimer: #

Im not native English, so id like to apologize for any massive grammar and typo issues, im using a browser spell checker but it fails every once in a while and doesn’t really help with grammar.

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