Shiplog Entry: 12345.10

Time to remove the small annoyances from our live, we have been gathering materials the fools way so far and that needs to change if we want more free time to build and do other things. So we looked at something called Steve’s Factory Manager, and though we should give it a go to process all the dust we gathered so far.

2014-09-18_06.08.59Even though we have a nice chair to sit in, doing this time after time to get a few resources is not a very effective way of doing things. So we gathered up the little amount of rare resources we had, and started to make an automated factory for this process. We will have to watch how it goes, and expand it to all other types of sieveable materials later on.


Our first tests went rather well, the process speed of this set up is rather insane, so we had to test how to move the items into storage solutions quick enough. And we had to find a good way to move the items to be processed into it from our storage as well. Sounds like an easy task, but doing this in a effective way can be rather a challenge.

2014-09-18_07.54.00After a little while we found a set up that suits our needs, it still needs a little bit of tinkering, but we can make a finallized set up now and leave it doing its thing. The only question that remains now is how big our buffers need to be so we have plenty of time to automate the end of the process. We still have a lot of space to clear out, and then we can start picking a location for the rest of the automation we still need to set up.

In the mean time the buffer chest from our mob trap kind of filled up, so we used what ever spare time we had left to improve the storage options there. Its still far from perfect, but looking at the amount of thing coming from the trap, we are going to be forced to throw away a lot of stuff at some point. But we will see how that goes once we get to that point, for now we will keep on messing about a little bit until we find something we like.


# Disclaimer: #

Im not native English, so id like to apologize for any massive grammar and typo issues, im using a browser spell checker but it fails every once in a while and doesn’t really help with grammar.

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