Starting the blog for the log ….

As of today, because of a lack in machine power for recording, I decided to start a ships log blog for the Crash-Landing mod-pack. Don’t expect to much from this blog/log, i’m hoping it can serve as a guide for people that need to start out and are lost in the very first few days. The more i progress the slower the log updates will go, as i will have made a bed and started to get to a point where for days on end (minecraft days that is) ill be doing the same things over and over again as mentioned in the last log entry.

Crash_Landing I am still working out some details with settings, as i had changed things before and not everything has reset to default yet, but tonight i should start on the first few days of survival. I will try to log the first days as detailed as possible, so there might be a few posts in a relative short amount of time, until (like i mentioned above) i get settled and start the real grinding/building. In the case of the latter i’m going to try and keep a 7 to 14 days (minecraft days again) pattern in the logs, this seems to be doable in terms of micro management and logging things that are worth reading.

So yeah there you go the basics, hope you enjoy the read over time, ima start reverting the pack back to default and start this thing out now. Wish me luck >.<


# side-note: #

I added 2 mods, one called FlenixTweaks for a longer item render distance, and Optifine for better performance. I also have Faithful x32 on the side as a texture pack, though i might have to manually tweak it for some mod but we shall see.

# Disclaimer: #

Im not native English, so id like to apologize for any massive grammar and typo issues, im using a browser spell checker but it fails every once in a while and doesn’t really help with grammar.