Shiplog Entry: 12345.02

Once again IMPA saved our lives, and also nearly got us killed ….. We started to follow her instructions, and made a weapon to roam during the day time, some armour out of wood to protect us while doing so and a few tools to get more sapling/silk worms and gravel/sand. While focussing on this we totally forgot about our food and water situation, and we used up all our fertilizer on the rice seed we got from IMPA. Getting a tree to grow on its own took to long in our underground farm, but we barely managed to survive and get some more water going.

2014-09-13_05.17.21So we have a better food situation now, no longer do we eat only Rotten Flesh and Silk worms, but we got some nice rice we can use to make bread later when we have plenty of water.

 In and attempt to cool-down the ships internal temperature, we fully covert it in dust, since we have loads of that dust its worth a shot at keeping our heads cool.

We utilized the clay and water around our second engine that also seems broken, and made a crucible and clay bucket from the clay. The crucible will allow us to melt down leafs into water, and cobble stone into lava. Since we used up all our backup power by now to produce extra water, this device is going to be very much needed to get our primary building blocks going. It also seems to be able to smelt ore dust we get from sieving, and cast those into ingots or tool heads. Now all we need it some starting stone to make a save area where we can use the fuel from the engine to keep the crucible heated.

Good times are ahead as we also made ourself a bed out of the spiders its string, so we no longer need to sleep in the cockpit on those lumpy chairs and maybe get some proper rest done. We have to be care full still though, as the monsters outside seem to be a good source of materials for now.

2014-09-13_05.46.09As time passes the area below the ship will slowly expand, right now we can grow at least one tree there when ever we need it. But i think we might benefit from it if we keep making it as large as possible, the trees will eventually go outside again once security perimeter has been set up. But we can redesign the area below the ship later on to house our primary resource equipment.

 Time to quickly get back to work again, much things to do and so little time to do them all …

# Disclaimer: #

Im not native English, so id like to apologize for any massive grammar and typo issues, im using a browser spell checker but it fails every once in a while and doesn’t really help with grammar.

Shiplog Entry: 12345.01

The first entry since days in the ship log, man what a hectic time we have had. On our way to the trading post we got hit by a meteor and our engine took heavy damage, forcing us to find a suitable landing place to repair or call for help. The first planet we flew onto was a hot dusty planet, not the place you would want to hang out, although we did see some kind of town when doing our fly-by. Bad luck struck us again though, when we plotted a new course to a planet close by, in hopes to find something more survivable, the engine blew of the ship and crash-landed us on this dust planet.

On the lucky side, these ships are equipped with IMPA  (Intelligent Multi-Purpose Assistant) witch help us quite a bit on the first day so we would not die to a lack of water and food. She gave us some Camel packs and water to get started, and learned us how to purify dirty water into drinkable water. A long side that we got some great tips on how to make a more proper way to sustain our water levels.

2014-09-13_03.50.16The first thing we did, after getting familiar with IMPA, was close the fuel leak on the broken detached engine, the fire and fuel spill were rather close to our shuttle and making the place even hotter then it already is. We also grabbed all the dark glass we could get, aside from the glass in the cockpit, and used that to make a entrance at our unloading bay. So we can savely hide at night and perhaps keep some of the planets heat out the door during the day.

The food side of things is a bit ugly now, we are living of Rotten Flesh and Silk Worms, the flesh being dropped from some hostile entity’s that seem to roam the planet at night. And the Silk Worms being a by product from our tree cutting, we managed to plant and cut down quite a few tree to get some saplings. We need those for the time being to make dirt and then process that into dirty water and clean water, and we used the wood to create some extra storage and tools.

The nights are long and cool, just as much as the days are hot and long, but we managed for 3 days now and are trying to maintain this pace until we get settled in a bit more and get some time to gather our thoughts. The distress signal system is still not working, we think it might have to do with the magnetic field or some other things from this planet. Main objectives are to secure a good food source and manage our water a little bit better, then we can start to think about securing the crash site and work from there.

For the water we seem to have enough resources from sieving the planets it Dust to make some shears, and if i can just get the time to clear out the space below the spaceship we can set up a mini tree farm there to get us some starting leaves for a better water production. So far all the dust is being processed as it comes in, but we really need to figure out a better process for this since it doesn’t give us all the materials we need to repair the ship.

Well back to work i guess, well try to make a entry at least every 3 days to log our progress and health status, no cloning ability yet so if the logs stop we dint make it ….

# Disclaimer: #

Im not native English, so id like to apologize for any massive grammar and typo issues, im using a browser spell checker but it fails every once in a while and doesn’t really help with grammar.

Starting the blog for the log ….

As of today, because of a lack in machine power for recording, I decided to start a ships log blog for the Crash-Landing mod-pack. Don’t expect to much from this blog/log, i’m hoping it can serve as a guide for people that need to start out and are lost in the very first few days. The more i progress the slower the log updates will go, as i will have made a bed and started to get to a point where for days on end (minecraft days that is) ill be doing the same things over and over again as mentioned in the last log entry.

Crash_Landing I am still working out some details with settings, as i had changed things before and not everything has reset to default yet, but tonight i should start on the first few days of survival. I will try to log the first days as detailed as possible, so there might be a few posts in a relative short amount of time, until (like i mentioned above) i get settled and start the real grinding/building. In the case of the latter i’m going to try and keep a 7 to 14 days (minecraft days again) pattern in the logs, this seems to be doable in terms of micro management and logging things that are worth reading.

So yeah there you go the basics, hope you enjoy the read over time, ima start reverting the pack back to default and start this thing out now. Wish me luck >.<


# side-note: #

I added 2 mods, one called FlenixTweaks for a longer item render distance, and Optifine for better performance. I also have Faithful x32 on the side as a texture pack, though i might have to manually tweak it for some mod but we shall see.

# Disclaimer: #

Im not native English, so id like to apologize for any massive grammar and typo issues, im using a browser spell checker but it fails every once in a while and doesn’t really help with grammar.