Shiplog Entry: 12345.03

Slowly progress is being made, still hanging on by a tiny thread though in terms of food and water, but we managed to expand the farm below the ground. With help of IMPA we got a nice Oak Sapling so we can finally get us some apples and maybe produce a apple tree.

2014-09-13_07.39.02Since we had the crucible we made a save spot on top of the shuttle for now, and used the fuel to set up our smelting process. We had enough resources to also make us a cobblestone generator with the use of transfer nodes, the crucible did a good job at making us our first lava.


From this point forward progress can be started on the outside security, so we can farm trees and build the hotter machines outside of our shuttle to preserve water. At the moment everything is stuck on getting wood, planting trees outside would provide the creatures with shade to survive during the day. And that would be the last thing we want at this point in time. As soon as we have spare wood for another barrel, and some extra bones, we can start the dig process to create a “save-zone” around the shuttle.

The help from IMPA is slowing down now as well as it supplied us with the bare basics by now, we did manage to get some nice lead stone thrusters and a flux capacitor that has power stored in it. But it seems it will be a while now before we get anything use full from IMPA again, we will need to survive with out it for a while now.

For now a long sleep to get the hectic few days of my back, a little bit more stress in the coming few days but at this rate we should be save from death (unless we wonder out at night). So we can finally stabilize something more constructive for water and food, the shuttle and it storage are quickly running out of space.

# Disclaimer: #

Im not native English, so id like to apologize for any massive grammar and typo issues, im using a browser spell checker but it fails every once in a while and doesn’t really help with grammar.

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