Shiplog Entry: 12345.05

What a journey it has been so far, it has been a while since the last entry simply because we have been doing a lot of work. The creatures at night time where getting in our way of setting up a full scale production, so we kicked the security perimeter into gear.



Slowly we expanded the area, for as much as our food and water would allow us, we spend some good time sitting near our plants to provide them with additional water.  So they would grow faster and we could do more work outside.

Sadly enough being outside takes a rather big chunk out of our water supply as well, so we had to keep going from outside to inside to manage our tree farm. As our farm expanded we did manage to get quite a bit of work done.


Spilling a lot of sweat on the ground we finally managed to complete the perimeter and can now work on fencing the area of and building the farms in the save area.



We managed to breed a couple of chicken from the eggs we found in the dust sieve process, and set up a small breeding area below the ship for now. When typing this into the log it almost seems as if we did hardly anything, but man using these primitive tool really make things last a lot longer then expected. Hopefully the fencing and beautifications are a tag bit quicker to get done, although there is still quite a bit of dust we need to replace with stone so we can eventually build below the ground as well.

More updates will follow soon, but first we need to rest a little bit from all this hard work.

# Disclaimer: #

Im not native English, so id like to apologize for any massive grammar and typo issues, im using a browser spell checker but it fails every once in a while and doesn’t really help with grammar.

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