Shiplog Entry: 12345.06

The security perimeter is working nice, we can now also work outside during the night time. This has really improved our work speed on getting things done, the only issue it has is that every once in a while a small spider gets true the fence. But other the that the inner area is save for night time building and farming.


We also planted a few fruit trees, and over time we moved the detached engine back on to the ship, all the dust from on top of the ship has been removed so we can start to look at what damage we need to repair. Close to the ship we started to make a smeltery so we can increase our metal production and perhaps start working on more advance machines.

2014-09-15_04.04.19Soon we will start to move around things a bit more to make sure we can place all the hot machines outside and our low heat automation below the ship. But full automation is still far away for now, we need air pressure and all sort of other things to get us started on making the equipment.

For now we are doing a lot of the same things over and over again, trying to get the smeltery up and running, while in the mean time we get our water and food supply back up to a good amount.

# Disclaimer: #

Im not native English, so id like to apologize for any massive grammar and typo issues, im using a browser spell checker but it fails every once in a while and doesn’t really help with grammar.

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